January Book Spotlight - A Queer Dharma

Greetings and Happy New Year, fellow book and yoga enthusiasts!

As we move through January, I'm thrilled to unveil our Resource of the Month selection — A Queer Dharma: Yoga and Meditation for Liberation by yoga teacher and social justice educator Jacoby Ballard.

Before I speak more about the book itself, let me share what caught my eye beyond the gorgeous cover art and compelling topic. Picture this: I open the book, and right there, on the half title page, is this heartfelt note:

“Dear Zo~,
May our hearts keep expanding~
Peace ~ Love

How cool is that? In those few lines, Linda's words are a subtle yet profound reminder that our world is full of folks like her—building community, expressing genuine care, and embracing radical love. It's like a cosmic hug that says, “We’re in this together.”

Through blending yogic teachings, feminist perspectives, and queer theory to support emotional well-being and communal growth amid violence, systemic challenges, and discrimination, A Queer Dharma illuminates a path toward freedom for all.

This book is already proving to be quite a gem and as I prepare to start reading, I can't help but wonder about Linda and Zo—the original keepers of this book. Do they have any clue about the ripples their shared message has created? I love how the simplest notes can spark connections and lessons that last a lifetime.

As I flip through these pages, consider this as an invitation for you to join in too! Got any book recommendations or thoughts on reads that shaped your yoga journey? Feel free to share.

By the way, if you're looking to learn more about yoga and mindfulness for collective healing and personal growth, keep an eye out for upcoming Yoga-Based Therapy Groups! It's a fantastic opportunity to further explore these practices in a supportive community.

Wishing you many moments of healing and understanding in this year ahead.


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